Jewish Holidays
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7. The Proper Time for Matanot La-evyonim and Mishlo’ach Manot
One must send mishlo’aĥ manot and give matanot la-evyonim on Purim day. If one cannot find poor people to receive matanot la-evyonim on Purim, he should set aside his gifts and save them until he finds poor people -
6. Who Is Obligated in Mishlo’ach Manot and Matanot La-evyonim?
Every Jew is obligated in mishlo’aĥ manot and matanot la-evyonim. Even though women are ordinarily exempt from positive time-bound mitzvot, they must fulfill the mitzvot of Purim, since they too participated in the miracle. Even a married woman must fulfill these mitzvot. -
5. Types of Foods for Mishlo’ach Manot
The two food portions must be different from each other. One who sends his friend a garment or a book does not fulfill his obligation. One who sends a live fowl to his friend does not fulfill his obligation, because it is not edible as is; it must first be slaughtered, cut, salted, and cooked. -
4. Mishlo’ach Manot
Every person must send two gifts of food to a friend on Purim, in order to increase love between them. Increasing love between Jews is part of the essence of Purim, as it was on Purim that the Jewish people’s holiness was revealed. -
3. Matanot La-evyonim
It is a mitzva for each and every Jew to give matanot la-evyonim on Purim. In order to fulfill this mitzva, one must give a minimum of two gifts – one each to two poor people – but it is praiseworthy to give more. -
2. Jewish Unity on Purim
Purim is a special day for displaying Jewish unity. Haman’s decree was aimed at the entire Jewish people, with no distinction between righteous and wicked, poor and rich. -
1. Joy and Kindness
The mitzva to rejoice on Purim is quite unique. This joy must be accompanied by a heightened sense of love and unity among Jews. This is true joy, as it expresses a broadening of life and its spread through the love of all people. -
15. Working on Purim
The Sages did not originally establish Purim as a holiday on which work is prohibited. Over time, however, the Jewish people developed a custom to refrain from work on Purim. -
14. Al Ha-nisim, Torah Reading, Eulogies, and Tahanun
The Sages formulated the Al Ha-nisim prayer so that we may thank God for the salvation He performed for the Jewish people at the time of Purim. The Sages enacted that three people are called to the Torah on Purim to read the section beginning with “Amalek came”. -
13. Taking Revenge on Haman and His Ten Sons
The execution of Haman and his ten sons is an integral part of the Megilla, for it confirms that justice was done and the wicked people who rose up against the nation of Israel were punished and put to death.
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